Vegetal Sponge La Covertte

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Vegetal Sponge La Covertte


Total = €0.99

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Conventional dishwashing sponges are synthetic and have a complex composition, based on polyurethane, a type of plastic used to manufacture mattresses, pillows, among others.

Due to their complexity and production process, they are difficult to recycle. During use, they release microfibers that enter the water filtering system and end up in the sea. These microparticles are very polluting, release toxins and can enter through the gills of fish. Sometimes when using these sponges, the green part starts to disappear, probably some of these microfibers have entered the water system.

Therefore, for less impact, always choose compostable sponges, made from natural fibers.

Dimensions: 7 x 11 x 2.3 cm


FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council)

Cellulose (yellow part of the sponge) and Plastic (green part of the sponge).

Ideal for washing dishes, daily cleaning of the kitchen and bathroom.