Organic Pure Propolis
(€699.86 Kg)
Organic, Pure and Nacional Propolis in bulk
It is an ingredient widely used in the production of cosmetics, as well as for the production of medicines, and is therefore exploited by pharmaceutical laboratories.
When properly applied, it helps combat tonsillitis, promotes the protection of teeth and gums, helps strengthen immunity, helps alleviate acne, among others.
According to the author: Ghisalberti, Bee World, Park et. al., Current Microbiology, propolis has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, healing, anesthetic and antitumor properties.
The author also mentions that this raw material is highly anti-inflammatory and can act on tissue regeneration in situations such as burns, psoriasis, dermatitis, ulcers and herpes.
The composition of propolis varies with seasonality, the type of bee and local vegetation.
Consume pure, the equivalent of 0.5g per day.